About Us

Earh in Hands

We’re an independent, non-profit, international organization dedicated to global environmental issues.

We’re a community in Canada concerned about climate change in our area and around the world. We are a participant in various events on this topic.

Our aim is to create communities worldwide, to involve interested people who care about the planet, who will contribute to improving it and life on Earth. 

Let’s talk about Canada’s renewable energy advantage.

One of the most important benefits of improving the climate is the creation of alternative energy sources and their installation on the territory of Canada.  The Canadian authorities are creating different versions of alternative sources: hydroelectric, solar, wind, geothermal, biofuels, and ocean energy.

Also, in addition to the creation of alternative energy, a kind of indigenous community is being created across Canada, which plays an integral role in the renewable energy market. As well, their indirect efforts support policies and plan to reduce environmental degradation.

An abnormal heatwave, such as we had in 2020-2021, is devastating to the Canadian territory and residents in general. Therefore, to combat the deteriorating climate conditions, the Canadian authorities are installing renewable energy sources.

Hundreds of millions of people are expected to migrate in the coming decades because of the effects of climate change. Canada already has the opportunity to plan an effective response to the coming crisis.

With climate change, areas previously considered uninhabitable will emerge in Canada that may become more temperate. Some believe that this gives Canada a unique opportunity to welcome those forced to leave their homes because of climate change-related conditions.

We are an independent international organization dedicated to preserving nature and peace in the world. To do this, we are changing the way people think about the Earth’s natural treasures. 

Our community strives to get people concerned about the environment as often as possible and increasingly understand that every effort must be made to improve the climate around the world.

We are creating organizations and groups in every country; we involve volunteers in Canada and around the world to improve the planet, to fight forest fires, to clean water bodies from pollution. We also pay special attention to recycling waste and garbage, which is also destructive to the condition of our planet. 

We create groups such as:

Zero Waste – we inspire respect for the planet’s resources and conscious consumption for a better quality of life. 

Save Our Forest – we save the forest from fires and advocate for proper forestry. 

Clean Up Waters – cleaning up water bodies with the help of volunteer scuba divers and involving interested organizations from all countries.

Separate waste collection – creation of as many wastes separation sites as possible, and creation of low air pollution recycling stations.

Plant a Tree – reviving forests by planting trees and conserving existing trees and plants.