The Atlantic provinces can expect coastlines to erode; central Quebec and southern Ontario can expect rising temperatures, more frequent heatwaves and prolonged storms; the central provinces can face extended periods of drought; Alberta and British Columbia can expect increasing wildfires. And Canada’s Arctic regions have already seen dramatic changes: the disappearance of sea ice and melting permafrost.
But with climate change, areas previously considered uninhabitable will emerge in Canada that may become more temperate. Some believe that this gives Canada a unique opportunity to welcome those forced to leave their homes because of climate change-related conditions.
Hundreds of millions of people are expected to migrate in the coming decades because of the effects of climate change. Canada has the opportunity now to plan an effective response to the coming crisis.
It is no secret that climate change has recently affected Canada and the world as a whole. On June 29, 2021, a historical temperature record was recorded in Canada in Litton, which is British Columbia. The thermometer showed 49.5 °C. According to the observations of meteorologists, such unprecedented heat is caused by a “heat dome” in western Canada and the northwestern United States.
What an abnormal heatwave is disastrous for the Canadian territory and residents in general.
Therefore, to combat the deteriorating climate conditions, the Canadian authorities are installing renewable energy sources.
Over the next few years, a greater effort to combat climate change must be made at all levels of decision-making. The next decade could be critical for the future of our planet. During this time, drastic measures must be taken, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation, to avoid the irreversible, potentially dangerous consequences of climate change, in which the survival of humanity will be called into question.
It is unlikely that we will achieve the targeted 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 if we follow the same policies as we do now. Therefore, to stay within the carbon budget and stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, the current paradigm of socio-economic development and global energy development must be fundamentally changed.